Complaint July 22, 2024 (2024)

Complaint July 22, 2024 (1)

Complaint July 22, 2024 (2)

  • Complaint July 22, 2024 (3)
  • Complaint July 22, 2024 (4)
  • Complaint July 22, 2024 (5)
  • Complaint July 22, 2024 (6)
  • Complaint July 22, 2024 (7)
  • Complaint July 22, 2024 (8)
  • Complaint July 22, 2024 (9)
  • Complaint July 22, 2024 (10)


ROBERT K. HANNA, State Bar No.: 341970 JUNQIAO XIAO, State Bar No.: 341670 1 HYO JIN JULIA JUNG, State Bar No.: 316090 2 MICHAEL D. KAHN, State Bar No.: 236898 LAMONT FREEMAN, State Bar No.: 349862 3 MIDLAND CREDIT MANAGEMENT, INC 350 CAMINO DE LA REINA, SUITE 100 4 SAN DIEGO, CA 92108 Telephone: (866) 300-8750 5 Facsimile: (858) 309-1588 6 California Debt Collection License #10644-99 7 Attorneys for Plaintiff SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA 8 COUNTY OF SACRAMENTO 9 GORDON D. SCHABER DOWNTOWN COURTHOUSE10 MIDLAND CREDIT MANAGEMENT, INC. Case No.11 Plaintiff, COMPLAINT FOR:12 vs. (1) Account Stated13 SHEREE N CORBETT; PRAYER AMT: $1,329.3414 and DOES 1 through 10, inclusive LIMITED15 Defendant.16 MIDLAND CREDIT MANAGEMENT, INC., ("Plaintiff"), by counsel, sues SHEREE N CORBETT,17 (“Defendant”) under Account Stated and in support thereof states:18 1. Plaintiff is authorized to do business in CALIFORNIA, with its principal place of19 business at 350 CAMINO DE LA REINA SUITE 100 SAN DIEGO CA 92108. Plaintiff20 owns portfolios of consumer receivables, which it attempts to collect. Plaintiff strives to21 treat its consumers, such as Defendant, with respect, compassion and integrity, hoping to provide mutually-beneficial opportunities for consumers to repay their debts and attain22 financial recovery.23 2. Defendant is a resident of SACRAMENTO County, State of California and is subject to24 this Court’s jurisdiction.25 3. Plaintiff is unaware of the true names and capacities of Defendants sued by the fictitious26 names DOES 1 through 10. Plaintiff will ask leave of court to amend this complaint as27 and when the true names and capacities of Defendants named herein as DOES 1 through28 10 have been ascertained. Pursuant to California Civil Code (“CA CIVIL”) §1788.58(a)(1)-(9), Plaintiff alleges: 4. Plaintiff is a debt buyer as defined by CA CIVIL §1788.50(a). -1- COMPLAINTCA_0132G File No.: 24-150350 SCP 1 5. Defendant established an account (the “Account”) with COMENITY CAPITAL BANK. 2 The amount due is the result of transactions that occurred on the Account. Defendant was provided statements evidencing Defendant’s use of the Account and the balance due. 3 Defendant failed to make the required payments and subsequently defaulted on the 4 Account on May 11, 2022. Thereafter, Plaintiff was assigned all rights, title, and interest 5 in the Account. 6 6. Plaintiff is the sole owner of the debt. Attached as Exhibit A is a true and correct copy of 7 the Bill of Sale from COMENITY CAPITAL BANK, to Plaintiff. The Account was 8 purchased by Plaintiff on November 28, 2022. 9 7. The Account balance at the time of charge-off was $1,329.34. Plaintiff alleges that the date of default is May 11, 2022 and the date of the last payment was March 15, 2022.10 8. The name of the charge-off creditor at the time of charge-off is COMENITY CAPITAL11 BANK. The address utilized by COMENITY CAPITAL BANK at the time of charge-off12 was 2795 E. COTTONWOOD PARKWAY SUITE 100 SALT LAKE CITY,UT 84121.13 At the time of charge off, the account number associated with the debt was14 XXXXXXXXXX-XX-2816.15 9. The name of the debtor as it appeared in the records of COMENITY CAPITAL BANK is16 SHEREE N CORBETT and the last known address as it appeared in the records of17 COMENITY CAPITAL BANK is 373 HANSEN CIR FOLSOM CA 95630. 10. The name and address of all post charge-off purchasers of the debt are as follows:18 Name Address19 MIDLAND CREDIT MANAGEMENT, 350 CAMINO DE LA REINA SUITE 100 SAN INC. DIEGO CA 921082021 11. Plaintiff has complied with the provisions of CA CIVIL §1788.52. Plaintiff informed22 Defendant of the assignment of the Account.23 12 Pursuant to CA CIVIL §1788.58(b), attached as Exhibit B is a true and correct copy of a24 monthly statement recording a purchase transaction, payment, or balance transfer while the Account was active as required by CA CIVIL §1788.52(b).25262728 -2- COMPLAINTCA_0132G File No.: 24-150350 SCP 1 13. Pursuant to CA CIVIL §1788.58(b), attached as Exhibit C is a true and correct copy of a 2 billing statement that was mailed to Defendant stating the balance due on the Account at or around the time of charge-off. 3 14. Plaintiff acquired all right, title, and interest to the Account. To the extent that Plaintiff 4 acts in its capacity as successor-in-interest to the original creditor or its assigns, 5 references herein to Plaintiff may include Plaintiff’s predecessor-in-interest. 6 15. Plaintiff has attempted to contact Defendant through several means in an effort to resolve 7 the Account, but has been unsuccessful. Defendant has not repaid this debt. Plaintiff 8 works with consumers like Defendant to find mutually acceptable solutions, often 9 offering discounts, hardship plans, and a variety of payment options. The majority of Plaintiff's consumers ignore calls or letters, and some simply refuse to repay their10 obligations. When this happens, Plaintiff must decide whether to pursue collection11 through legal channels, including litigation such as the present action against Defendant.12 Nonetheless, Plaintiff remains interested in discovering a mutually beneficial solution13 through voluntary payments, if possible, in this case.14 16. Before commencement of this action, Plaintiff informed Defendant in writing, that it15 intended to file this action and that this action could result in a judgment against16 Defendant that would include court costs allowed by California Code of Civil Procedure § 1033(b)(2).171819202122232425262728 -3- COMPLAINTCA_0132G File No.: 24-150350 SCP 1 FIRST CAUSE OF ACTION 2 ACCOUNT STATED 17. Plaintiff realleges and incorporates by reference the foregoing paragraphs. 3 18. An account was stated in writing between Defendant and COMENITY CAPITAL 4 BANK. Defendant opened and derived benefit from the Account. By using the Account, 5 Defendant expressly or impliedly promised to repay COMENITY CAPITAL BANK. 6 Within the last four years, Defendant became indebted on the Account. 7 19. On the Account, a balance of $1,329.34 was stated to be due to COMENITY CAPITAL 8 BANK from Defendant. Plaintiff has no record of Defendant objecting to the balance 9 due. 20. Before the commencement of this action, Plaintiff was assigned the Account and10 indebtedness. Plaintiff is now the sole owner of the Account.11 21. Plaintiff has made a demand on Defendant for repayment of the Account, but Defendant12 has failed to pay the balance due.13 22. The current balance presently due and owing is $1,329.34 which includes payments, set-14 offs, credits or allowances, if any, at or after charge-off.1516 WHEREFORE, Plaintiff requests judgment against Defendant for $1,329.34, costs of this action and post judgment interest at the statutory rate. Plaintiff waives any claim for pre- judgment interest and17 attorney's fees.181920 Dated: July 17, 2024 MIDLAND CREDIT MANAGEMENT, INC.2122 By:23 □ ROBERT K. HANNA / JUNQIAO XIAO □ MICHAEL D. KAHN / HYO JIN JULIA JUNG24 □ LAMONT FREEMAN □ ~25262728 -4- COMPLAINTCA_0132G File No.: 24-150350 SCPEXHIBIT A EXHIBIT A BILL OF SALEComenity Capital Bank ("Seller"), for value received and pursuant to the terms andconditions of that certain Credit Card Account Purchase Agreement dated January 4,2021 between Seller and Midland Credit Management, Inc. ("Purchaser"), its successorsand assigns ("Credit Card Account Purchase Agreement''), hereby assigns effective as ofthe Closing Date of November 28, 2022 all rights, title and interest of Seller in and tothose certain Accounts described in the Credit Card Account Purchase Agreementand Schedule 1 (the "Asset Schedule") attached hereto and made part hereof for allpurposes, to Purchaser.The information contained in the Sale File (collectively, "Seller's AccountsInformation") is true and complete as of the File Creation Date. Further, all of theinformation contained in Seller's Accounts Information (a) constitutes Seller's ownbusiness records regarding the Accounts and (b) accurately reflects in all materialrespects the information about the Accounts in Seller's possession. All of Seller'sAccounts Information has been kept in the regular course of Seller's business, and wasmade or compiled at or near the time of the event and recorded by (or from informationtransmitted by) a person (i) with knowledge of the data entered into and maintained inSeller's business records, or (ii) who caused the data to be entered into and maintained inSeller's business records. All capitalized terms used, but not defined, in this Bill of Saleshall have the meanings assigned to such term in the Credit Card Account PurchaseAgreement.This Bill of Sale is executed without recourse except as stated in the Credit Card AccountPurchase Agreement to which this is an Exhibit. No other representation of or warranty oftitle or enforceability is expressed or implied.COOY CAPITAL BANK Midland Credit Management, Inc.By: /2{14-(_~k By: µ ~ f 0 ' r ~Date: /;J../7 f?P?Y-- Date: 1/5/2023 r ITitle: Chief Credit Officer Title VP of Business Development SCHEDULE 1 TO BILL OF SALE ASSET SCHEDULEThe individual Accounts transferred pursuant to the Credit Card Account Purchase Agreement andBill of Sale are described in the electronic file namedMCMG_MF_NOV_2022_DPL_CCB.TXT;MCMG_MF_NOV_2022_LCS_CCB.TXTdelivered byComenity Capital Bank to Midland Credit Management, Inc. on November 21, 2022and summarized in the table immediately below (the "Sale File"}. # of Charged-off Aggregate Unpaid Balance Percent File Creation Date Accounts ll/21/2022 PORTFOLIO LEVEL AFFIDAVIT OF SALE BY ORTGlNAL CRED.ITORSTATE OF: UTAHCOUNTY OF: SALT LAKEOn ._[_ _,f...;,;2..;;..._,_/7__,)1-'2-D:::___;;_~..;.7- _ __,. Bruce A. Sweeten ("Affiant") being duly sworn, deposes and says: 1. Tam over 18 and I am the Chief Credit Officer of Comenity Capital Bank ("Seller"). In that capacity and as part of my regular job duties, I have custody of certain business records of Seller. routinely review such business records, and am familiar with Seller's processes for the sale and assignment of accounts and business records. including those that are maintained in electronic form. 2. Seller owns certain accounts, and maintains and records information in the records as they relate to such accounts. I am authorized to make the statements and representations set forth in this affidavit on behalf of Seller. The statements set fo1th herein are true and correct to the best of my knowledge. information, and belief. based on either personal knowledge or review of the business records of the Seller. If called upon as a witness, I can testify competently to the facts contained herein. 3. My regular job duties include having knowledge of, and access to, business records relating to the Accounts (as defined below). These records are kept by Seller in the regular course of business, and it was in the regular course of business of Seller, for an employee or representative with personal knowledge of the act, event, condition, or opinion recorded to make memorandum or records or to transmit information thereof to be lncluded in such memorandum or records; and that the records were made at or near the time of the act and/or event recorded or reasonably soon thereafter. 4. On or about 11/28/2022, Seller sold a pool of charged-off accounts (the "Accounts") by a Credit Card Account Pw·chase Agreement to Midland Credit Management, Inc. ("Buyer"). The original creditor at the time of charge-off was Comenity Capital Bank. 5. Pursuant to the sale, Seller sold, transferred, assigned, conveyed, granted, bargained, set over and delivered to Buyer and its successors and assigns, good and marketable title to the Accounts and any unpaid balance free and clear of any encumbrance, equity, lien, pledge, charge, claim or security interest. I am not aware of any errors in the Accounts. 6. In connection with the sale of the Accounts, electronic and other records were transferred to or otherwise made available to the Buyer (the "Transferred Records"). The Transferred Records have been kept in the regular course of Seller's business, and were made or compiled at or near the time of the event and recorded by (or from information transmitted by) a person (i)with knowledge of the data entered into and maintained in Seller's business records, or (ii) who caused the data to be entered into and maintained in Seller's business records. To the extent that the Transferred Records include records that were prepared by a third party, they are records that were incorporated into the records of Seller as a business record and the accuracy of such records are relied upon by Seller in the regular course of business.7. 1 certify under penalty of perjury that the foregoing ls true and correct.FURTHER AFFIANT SA YETH NOT.Signed this 7 f.b.. day of December, 2022.Bruce A. Sweeten (AFFIANT NAME)Comenity Capital BankSubscribed and sworn to before me Jennifer Pardue, on this 7'1"-- (date) day of December,in the year 2022, by Bruce A. Sweeten, who proved on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be theperson whose name is subscribe in this document. JENNIFER PARDUE Notarv Public - Stal~ or Utah comm. No. 718844 M'f Commisslon Explrti on Jun 17. 207.5 CERTIFICATE OF CONFORMITYSTATE OF UTAHCOUNTY OF SALT LAKEThe undersigned does hereby certify that she/he is an attorney at law duly admitted to practice inthe State of Utah and is a resident of Utah, County of Salt Lake, Utah; that she/he is a personduly qualified to make this certificate of conformity; that the foregoing acknowledgment byBruce A. Sweeten named in the foregoing instrument taken before Jennifer Pardue a notary inthe State of Utah duly conforms with the laws of the State of Utah, being the State in which itwas taken; and when executed by Mr. Sweeten in the manner indicated will qualify as a validand effective sworn statement in such state.December 131 2022 ~ v~Date Attorney at Law for the State of UtahField Fi IAccount Number 00 816Seller Account ID - 3239First Name SHEREEMiddle Name NLast Name CORBETTSSNDate of BirthAddress 1CityState - XXX-XX-2049 373 HANSEN CIR FOLSOM CAZip 95630Open Date 10/08/2021Last Purchase Date 01/14/2022Last Purchase Amount $1,014.71Last Payment Date 03/15/2022Last Payment Amount $35.00Sale Amount $1,329.34Charge Off Date 10/31 /2022Charge off Balance $1,329.34Post Charge Off Interest $0.00Post Charge off Fee $0.00Post Charge off Payments $0.00Post Charge off Payments and Credits $0.00Post Charge off Credits $0.00Affinity IKEAAlternate Account #1 5144Account information provided by Comenity Capital Bank pursuant to the Bill of Sale/Assignment ofAccounts transferred on or about 11 /28/2022 in connection with the sale of accounts from ComenityCapital Bank to Midland Credit Management, Inc.MCMG_MF_NOV_2022_DPL_CCB.TXT; MCMG_MF_NOV_2022_LCS_CCB.TXTEXHIBIT B With the IKEA• Projekt credit card, get: 0% inmrest for 6 0 % interest for 12 0% interest for 24 months on a purchase months on a purchase months on a purchase of $500 or more of $1, 500 or more of 5, 000 or more After that, st andard purchase APR of 21.99% •. PAGE I OF 4 Summary of account act1vIty Payment 1nformat1on Account r10 . • ••• _. ..._... . _2816 Nt'w balance $972.71 Minimum paymt>11t duf:l' $39.00 Prt!viuu:s balar,ct' $978.71 Save on Interest Payments.' •1 $63.00 Paymt>111s -35.00 Paymeut due dale 04/ 11/2022 Other c-edits 0 .00 Purcha:st>s 0 .00 Late payment warning: If we do not -er;.eive your minimum payment by 04/11/2022 you may Other debits 0 .00 have to pay up to a $40.00 late fee Fees charged 29.00 Iritti-rt'st chargt>d 0 .00 Minimum payment warning: II you make only the minimum New balance $972.71 payment for each pe-iod, you will pay more in interest ar1d it w ill take you longer to pay off you· balances . For example: Past due amount 0,00 Credit limit $1,300,00 If you make no additional You will pay oft And you will Available credit $327.29 eharges using this card the balance shown end up paying an Statement closing date 03/16/2022 and each month you pay; on th~ ~tatement e~tlmated tobl Days in billing cycle 31 In about: or: Only tht= 111in irnu111 P<:1yrr1~11t 3y~w..s $1235 Fur ir1fu-matk.m regarding c,;r~dit c,;uur1s~li11g s~rvic;t,s, call 1-800-284-1706. If you do not pay your Plan 806-00001 balance of $943.71 by Jul 17, 2022 any renia ining ba la1ce will be assessed inte·est at t he standard pu-01ase A 0 ~ .rn lf y:::,u ret urneJ an item t hat was o n a pr:::,motio1a l pla1 anJ 1ave questions with h:::,w the return was app lied to your account, p ease call us, Skip sign ng in to pay and use C:::imen ity's Easy:iay. It's saf e anJ co nven ient. J5e your s-nartph:::ine C3Tiera :::ir co Je reader to scfln the QR c:::ide pri 1ted 01 your pay11ent sLn below to get started . PROMOTIONAL PLANS: You made a purchase that was placed on a promotional plan in accordance with the details found in the "Additional Important Messages" section. If you wish to remove your purchase from the promotional plan and place it on the regular revolving credit plan, please contact us at 1-866-337-5539 [TDD/TTY: 1· 888-819-1 918). This request must be made by the Payment Due Date shown on the first billing statement reflecting the purchase Details of your transactions T RANS DII.TE TRANSACT ION DESCRIPTION/ LOCATION AMOUNT 03/1512022 PAYMENT - THANK YOU -35.00 Fees 03/ 11/2022 LATE FEE 29.00 Total fees charged for this period $29,00 Interest charged Interest charge on purchases $0,00 Total interest for this period $0,00 2022 totals year to date Tutal f~t:ts c;harg~d i11 2022 $2900 Total iriteri,st cha-ged i11 2022 $0.00 -- -- -- -- --- -- --- - --- ------ -- -- -- --- --- ------ ---- -- ---- - --- --------- --- ------- -- --- -- ----- --- - --- ---- -- -- \JOTl::::E: See ' twerse side for imp:>rtam inf:irm::itio n Please tear al perforati o n above Accou1t mmber Minimum payment $972.71 I $39,00 99 3 Mailed payments must reach us by 6pm ET □ Yes, .1hctvt= rnuvt=d ()r updtttt.'d my A.mount on 04/11/2022. e-mail address - see reverse. e ncloud: $ Please make check payable to: COMENITY - IKEA Projekt card l1 11 1lll l 11 1I l11llllll 1lill1l 11l11 1ll1l1llll 11 ll 1ll1ll1l 1lll1111i Please return this portion along with your payment to: S H EREE N CORBETT 373 HAN SEN CIR PO BOX 650964 FOLSOM CA 95630-9519 DALLAS TX 75265-0964 111111lllll1l1111•1ll1111llll1ll1i11l111ll11l1l1lll1ll11l•1lllll1 476 01 011 00036B94 2B16 000003900 000097271Keeµ this i,urtiu11 fur yuL1r rct:ords. CREDIT REPORTING. W1~ ·IIi:1J 1q .)()rt i·1tu··11<:1tiu11 :::1b,.ut yu.11 :1L·.cou1 1t tu c11:::Jit bu·1:::1us. L<1te :Jc1y111i::r1ts. ·11is::.::ld :>i:ly11ri::11ts. vI uth,::11j~fc1ulb L•i1yuuWhat To Do II ro~ Think ro11 Firrct A Mistake On Yo11r Statement .ic::o.1rr! 111;-iy b,:-1 -~1( e ::led i ·• yo.JI ::redil 'P.porl I }'ll.J thirik Lll eri:' ::;. clll t''"OI 011 your :;l;;rlelllt'"lt. wri lt' tu LIS ;:at : Co111::lr1ilt NOTICE OF CREDIT REPORT DISPUTES. II y:.>1.I ~eli::l•tl:! tlt> c:1t.:t::.>u11t::.:c1:.>il::tl ~cm-1., ..:io :bx 182620. C:.>lu"n:.>us. UH 4 3218 2620. In your lim er. ir1tom1:Jt i:Jr1 we 11,:~)()l ted to cl C:JIISUll li:!I I i:!p:.irti1II;! n~.1~·1L'.}' i:; i11<:1 :.:L"..Jl<1le, yuu us tl1c to lowing I1i o•11atIon; Tl.iY s1JhT1it ;i rlir:~r.t rlisputc~ !o l,orrnmity C:; P,;m k , ro Rox I ~? 1?0 , /lccount mtorr.riJt1on: Y::1ur name and ::iccount numocr. Col.J111bu::;. 01 1 4:3218-2120. Yu_1r wi itte11 •1isvut":! 111.1:;I p1cwiije s.1Ube11t• Doflr.rijr1101Jril: The dnl iH ;,rnrnml nl lh:: s11spr.c: ld error . irl rnrne1ti:1n lo id~nl if;, th,~ nc:' ;rnd S:)~cil~• ·.v-1y th~ ;1/orrnnt on i;;.• Oesr:ri11ti,m or Pmb,'e•rr: Ir yo.J lhir1k lht1r~ s ;m e"w <>n your bill, ir1,:1~:ni·ate; dcs:::nbc ',\'hat you ::1cl Ic11c 1:, vH::1ng ::inJ w1y you b:::lleve rt Is ::i mistake. t At.:t:ou11t i11funmtliu11; Yow ·1d·rI!-:! d·11j c1;.:l:vu11! IIu·11::reYou ·nusl rnnlc:H.;L u::;. wil h ·1 60 Jc1y::; c:1!L'dr Lhe error c1µµe:::rred :.>11 pur • Contact lrlfo rmation; Your add·css and toe lcpho•nc 1umt,crslc:1le111erIt. Yuu IIHJ::.t ·1utity us ;.,I c1II\1 µoter1Lic1 e··ors in 1vri:i11p,. Yu.J rric1y • Disputed lntormatio11: ld:nt ty t he ac:::oJnt 111tornat 101 J1sputed anJ:.:all JS. Lu i if you tb we :rrt' ri;;.l rl:l4ui1 ed l :,;, i•1;1'dsl igale clll't' :.>ulentic1I tm u·s 'dX:Jl<1i11'A"hy yuu b::l lie\'i:l ii is ir1c1t.:cwc1teand you 11ay have to pay tl1c annunt 111 qucstI01 . Wh le we 1n"1:::stIgatc • Supporting Docum~ritation: II ~1Ji-tili:1:ile. pr:,,1idP.- a ::iny of 111~ secli<~n Illwl11:"l hi:'r nol 1i1em nc1s UlltHI dil i:'trur, lhe lo luwirig;He Lru'd: the cr:::d I re;>ort shuwr,g th::: account 111tormat1on you arc d1s:::.l1t 1gt W::: :::a1not try to :::ol lcct th::: amount 111 quc5t101, or report p u as dclrnri11~nt on ; We will ir1ve~l i~i::1le L·Ie :Ji~µ.J\eJ ·1!ur111c:1l on c1·1U ·eµort l he re~ul l::; lo ~•:Ju wItt1I1 Jl) Jays ot rcc::: Ipt ot tt1::: 11to·11atIon ncc,jcd tor our invest g:1t Ion. It• Th<1 d 1;.irge in :1ue:-;.t i:m ·n.i)' mm,1in 0-1 yo.Jr slnlmwn1I . .i·1d w~: ;n;-iy we l irid t/1::tt lhti <1:.:cou·,t i ·1for111<1Lion we re:.>o·le:J is i·1c1ccur::1te. WI:! will cor1li·1ul:l' L:,:, :.:lt::trge p u irili:'rt>sl on l h::tt ::1rmurIL. Bul. ir.-re delermi ·1e llrctl orcnnt ly p-o,rijc tic n:::ccssaIy :::orrc:::1I011 to c::ic1 co1sJ111e- rcoo1mg WI:! ·11t1de a r11ishHt! . rou will 11ot 1<1•.•~ b pci)' the amount i111.1uesti:,:,r1 oi 1:1gl:l'rI~v lo w·1id1 we ·eµorti:!Ll t·1e inlorrr1:::il ior1. cmy i11t1:"1est 01 utl1e1 te~:; 11:ddtl:!j tu t11::1t ::1111L1.111t W!1I I::: yoJ jo 1ot I1:1,,c to oay t he a11ou1t 11 :iucstIon, you arc PAYMENTS MARK.ED ·PAID IN FULL· , /\II W'lttc1 :::cn1mu111cat Oil$ rcca'dm~ 1j isvut;::J i::111Iuu ·1ts t 1o1t i111.:lud::: c1IIy cll:::L:-t uI uth1:i1 µc1y111;::11t il1st1u1r1:::11t -csronsIblc tor the 1::-rnamJcr 01·pur bala1cc. 1m·lcd with '"pay11cnt n tull'' or sIm1l:1r lancuacc, nust be- sent to; :JOJO• W:) ::.i·1 ;-ipply .i"IY unp.iid ;m1:1unl ;-ig;iirisl y11.Jf credit limit . Kellway lh11e, Su I~ 1/)Car1ulll.:M1, TX 7 500(. Your Rights If Yoe, A,e Dissatisfied With Your Credit Card Purchases. f ;•o.J DO NOT lJS' TH ' F~GI OSF, RF W TTANGF FNVFI OPF.ired s;;;-ilisried wilh l hi~gnods or s-:1111ir:es !h,;,I pu ·1.i'.'~ pu-chnsed wil ·1 - w~IrIc1y i:1l'.t:i:!l)t l)d}'lll~l lt ser1t to clllJ otlw c1dJ·es:; witllout !u~i·1i; i::lflY lit c:·l:!dit cc1r1j . <1111j }'U.1 have tr i'dd i11 BO:.>d lc1 t h t:., ;;u· ·l:!;;t tllf:! :.,rutil~r11 O IJ' r ighl s ltn~m<~r::hrnl . yrnJ ·nn:i• tinvP.- lhc ri~t1I nol lo p.i)' l h(·: -ern,;, ·1ing ;.11m>Iml - \Jo :,:,o1yrr1:::11t ~llc1 I oµ,:::1<:111~ i::I~ crII i:lt::.:u·d :111J ~tist"c:il:tiu11'llith1Jut µ1 1JIju!-:! uII th::l ~un:1ds~. l u us!-:! this ;i~1t. ctll vt l h!-:! tulb•,vi1 1t! ·1u:;t b~ t 1u,:: ; w·ilh:'"l apprtNi::rl1. l h~ p_1rchdse 111ust hd\'e 001,n 1r1d::h:: iri pur hu1ru:i st::tte ll. within 10:) CUSTOMER SERVICE. Vi::;it i,;011nmity.r1t?VIK.EAµroj~kt l r cc1IImiles ot your cu--cnt mailing :tddrcss. and t1c purchase pr Ic::- must have 1-860-.TJ/-~'...d )( U DI I IY l -88B-819-Hl8) .h.11)n mor:~ lh;m :f;~O. ({•.'nli.' , Nr:-ilh<~r of thes~ is nec:~sS.i)' if:i,n.H p.m:tl.is1) TELEPHONE MONITORING. lo rrovIdc YOJ \fil\h high (JUU'dt:1se. Pur:.:11:r:;es rr1<1Ue on Ll1!:! rr:.M1l or v:,1ur sl~le1rnml, rne~ri Lhe lol l:.iwing: V ·ne;m s v~·il.D le rdl ~with casll advan:::cs t·om an 1\l \'l or wItt1 a check tl1at a:::ccsscs you- c-cdIt a11s rcttc may '/alY); WV \J I P1\Y f{U 11eans W/\IVI:. IN I l:.H:.~ I . fJ/\YMl:.N I:.:ard ()?0 fJ/\YMl:.N I . It YCIJ have a vanatilc rate ac:::oJnt . your period Ic --at~s may Ir ny.WhI I: w::: invest igate, tl1c sa11c ru cs ::irply to tll::: dIspJtcd ::imount as Yu.11nc1y JJr1Lh. 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Ju rul ,;.t;::rµI;;- :.,1:.:li :.i vu_11 pc1y·ne·11 Lu Lile ::;Lub, irn..:lude vour c1crnLJ·1t ruml>l:l'1 :.irI p ur che:.:k, u::;I:' lhe erwi:l'l:Jl)i:l' µ·01Ji:Je:J will1•; our Sl.uo .{.cl lway )rive, Suite 120 Carrollton, IX / ::iUUb and tl1c aJdIt Ional format --c::-i!JIr:::me1ts a·c I nc sarn::: as othc· mailed payn~nts Jn lcss t1c--c Is a JIs;>utc, m whI:::t1 case you to low th::: l'ayrncnts \'l::1rkc j "Pad n t uIr· sect on a::1c,va:. Llo 1c,t send :::as!1 O' e1tt :::e11t 1cates. Pay By Pr1011e: Yo.1 c a1 call u5 t:::,11 tree at 1-8bb-3:J/ -~~39 ti )Y I lY 1-888-819- LY.18} t:J 111~k•~ t1v::111111~11t by t~li:!vho11,::: , "A"1 it:11 ·I1c1y irdu,i~ i:1 te1~. 011fim:: Y:Ju c:tII ·11c1ke ct pc1yr11e·1t :.,11 i1 1~ ,:1t cunnmity .m:t/lKEAprujt:kt.Pc1yrncr1t Cutoff Tiu~::;. 1-':1y-11e1 rt L:Jtull t i1rn:::;fd,:::c111lir1es tu1 JS tu I ei.::e n pc1yme·1ts we by t1e Ju!-;! rfote uI I this Stcrt:::111e·1t ·1 thP. :Jtt~•111:::c11t stut1i::l·ea c1t t hetul uw ·1t; t ilr1'ds; M<1ilirrrarr _ _ _ _ First Name _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Ml _ _ _ __ Last Name _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Soc. Sec. No. _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Street Address _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Apt. No. _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ RR _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ PO Box _ _ _ __ _ __ _ __ City State _ _ _ _ _ Zip Code _ _ __ Foreign Map Code _ _ __ Home Phone _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ Work Phone _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ Email Address _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ PAGE 3 OF4Details of your plans ORIGINAL ORIGINAL PREVIOUS TOTAL PURCHASE PURCHASE PLAN PLAN PURCHASES PAYMENTS NEW PLAN PLAN ACCRUED AMOUNT DATE EXPIRES BALANCE & CHARGES & ·CREDITS BALANCE M INIMUM INTEREST NIA NIA NONE 285.75 40.00 0.00 331.30 332.00 5.5506WS%R·2201 This Promotion has ended. You will continue to see these details until the balance is paid in full. The balance is now included in your 401 current balance and minimum payment due. ORIGINAL ORIGINAL PREVIOUS TOTAL PURCHASE. PURCHASE PLAN PLAN PURCHASES PAYMENTS NEW PLAN PLAN ACCRUE.0 AMOUNT DATE EXPIRES BALANCE &CHARGES & ,CREDITS BALANCE MINIMUM INTEREST $1,014.71 01114/2022 07117/2022 979.59 0.00 0.00 998.04 0.00 0.00Add1t1onal important messagesProtect yourself against mail and phone consumer fraud. you for enrolling in paperless statements. Please note that your account payment is past due and you willcontinue to receive a paper statement until your account is current. To change your paperless statement preferences,login to your account and select My Profile.IMMEDIATE ATTENTION REQUIRED! Your Account is extremely past d ue and will be written off as a bad debt SOON .To avoid this, you must pay the Minimum payment amount shown on this statement at least 4 days prior to the end of themonth in which this statement closed. You can find the Statement closing date in the Summary of account activity onpage 1 of this statement. If you are not able to pay the Minimum payment amount. we may still be able to assist you. Callus immediately at 1-855-617-8089 (TDDITTY 1-888-819-1918) to discuss your payment options. If written off, the baddebt w ill be reparted to the three major credit bureau$ and our Recovery team will determine the appropriate $tep$, 8$permitted and available under applicable law, to protect our interests.IMPORTANT INFORMATION ABOUT LATE FEE CREDITSWe may occasionally provide a credit for the amount, part or all, of a late fee charged to your account. If we do, we willcharge a fee of up to $40.00 for any subsequent late payment. In addition, we may reverse the credit and repost thecharge to your account if you fail to make the minimum payment due on or before the due date in the next billing period.------

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Jul 26, 2024 |CGC24612007

Matter on the Discovery Calendar for Friday, Jul-26-2024, Line 10, DEFENDANT JASON JONE'S Motion To Deem Facts Admitted. Pro Tem Judge Aaron Minnis, a member of the California State Bar who meets all the requirements set forth in CRC 2.812 to serve as a temporary judge, has been assigned to hear this motion. Prior to the hearing all parties to the motion will be asked to sign a stipulation agreeing that the motion may be heard by the Pro Tem Judge. If all parties to the motion sign the stipulation, the hearing will proceed before the Judge Pro Tem who will decide the motion with the same authority as a Superior Court Judge. If a party appears by telephone, the stipulation may be signed via fax or consent to sign given by email. If not all parties to the motion sign the stipulation, the Pro Tem Judge will hold a hearing on the motion and, based on the papers submitted by the parties and the hearing, issue a report in the nature of a recommendation to the Dept. 302 Judge, who will then decide the motion. If a party does not appear at the hearing, the party will be deemed to have stipulated that the motion will be decided by the Pro Tem Judge with the same authority as a Superior Court Judge. The Pro Tem Judge has issued the following tentative ruling: Granted, no opposition filed. Defendant's Requests for Admission Nos. 1-7 are deemed admitted by Plaintiff. For the 9:00 a.m. Discovery calendar, all attorneys and parties are required to appear remotely. Hearings will be conducted by videoconference using Zoom. To appear at the hearing, go to the court's website at under "Online Services," navigate to "Tentative Rulings," and click on the appropriate link (DISCOVERY, DEPARTMENT 302 DAILY AT 9:00 A.M.), or dial the corresponding number and use the meeting ID, and password for Discovery Department 302. Any party who contests a tentative ruling must send an email to with a copy to all other parties by 4pm stating, without argument, the portion(s) of the tentative ruling that the party contests. The subject line of the email shall include the line number, case name and case number. If the tentative ruling is not contested, the parties are deemed to have stipulated to the Pro Tem hearing the motion and the Pro Tem will sign an order confirming the tentative ruling. The prevailing party is required to prepare a proposed order repeating verbatim the substantive portion of the tentative ruling and must e-mail it to the Judge Pro Tem. The court no longer provides a court reporter in the Discovery Department. Parties may retain their own reporter, who may appear remotely. A retained reporter must be a California certified court reporter (CSR), for only a CSR's transcript may be used in California courts. If a CSR is being retained, include in your email all of the following: their name, CSR and telephone numbers, and their individual work email address. =(302/JPT)


Portfolio Recovery Associates, LLC vs. Combest

Jul 26, 2024 |23CVG-01320

PORTFOLIO RECOVERY ASSOCIATES, LLC VS. COMBESTCase Number: 23CVG-01320Tentative Ruling on Motion for Judgment on the Pleadings: The present motion is unopposed.This collection case was filed on December 18, 2023. Plaintiff is a debt buyer and sole assigneeof an agreement entered into by Defendant on a credit card account with Plaintiff’s predecessorSynchrony Bank. The Complaint alleged causes of action for Account Stated and Open BookAccount, with a prayer for $2,523.69 against Defendant Jennifer Combest. Defendant filed herAnswer on January 26, 2024. On April 11, 2024, Plaintiff filed a motion to deem matters admitted.Defendant did not oppose the motion to deem matters admitted, and the Court granted the motionon May 13, 2024.Meet and Confer: “The moving party shall file and serve with the motion for judgment on thepleadings a declaration stating” the attempts made to meet and confer. CCP § 439(a)(3). TheDeclaration of Gregory Parks provides sufficient evidence of Plaintiff’s meet and confer efforts.Request for Judicial Notice: The Court GRANTS Plaintiff’s request for judicial notice of theCourt’s May 13, 2024 Order that Matters in Request for Admission be Admitted, pursuant to Evid.Code § 452(d) and 453.Merits of Motion: CCP § 438(c)(1)(A) provides a plaintiff may move for judgment on thepleadings if the complaint states sufficient facts to constitute a cause of action and the answer doesnot state facts sufficient to constitute a defense to the complaint. The grounds for the motion shallappear on the face of the challenged pleading or from any other matter of which the court may takejudicial notice. CCP § 438(d). The Court may take judicial notice of responses to discoveryrecords pursuant to Evidence Code §§ 452(d) and 453. Arce v. Kaiser Foundation Health Plan,Inc. (2010) 181 Cal.App.4th 471, 485.The essential elements of an account stated are: (1) previous transactions between the partiesestablishing the relationship of debtor and creditor; (2) an agreement between the parties, expressor implied, on the amount due from the debtor to the creditor; (3) a promise by the debtor, expressor implied, to pay the amount due. Leighton v. Forster (2017) 8 Cal. App. 5th 467, 491. “A ‘bookaccount’ is ‘a detailed statement which constitutes the principal record of one or more transactionsbetween a debtor and a creditor arising out of a contract or some fiduciary relation, and shows thedebits and credits in connection therewith ....’ ” [Citations.] The creditor must keep these recordsin the regular course of its business and “in a reasonably permanent form,” such as a book or cardfile. (Code Civ. Proc., § 337a.) “A book account is ‘open’ where a balance remains due on theaccount.” [Citation.] Pro. Collection Consultants v. Lujan (2018) 23 Cal. App. 5th 685, 690–91.This Court’s Order, entered May 13, 2024, deemed admitted Plaintiff’s requested admissions 1-9.The admissions establish that: 1) Defendant had a credit account ending in 8363, 2) the creditaccount was issued by Synchrony Bank, 3) Defendant received periodic statements regarding theaccount, 4) as of December 18, 2023, the balance owed on the account was $2,523.69, 5)Defendant has not made any payments on the account since December 18, 2023, 6) Defendantsubmitted a payment toward the outstanding debt on the account within 4 years immediately priorto December 18, 2023, 7) Plaintiff was assigned the debt, 8) Plaintiff is the current owner of thedebt, and 9) Defendant received through the US mail a pre-legal notification from Plaintiffregarding the account.Defendant’s admissions establish the required elements of each cause of action. Plaintiff’s Motionfor Judgment on the pleadings is GRANTED. The admissions establish that a principal sum of$2,523.69 is due and owing. That sum is awarded. Plaintiffs have also submitted a memorandumof costs for $369.50, comprising the filing and service of this motion. The amount appearsreasonable and is awarded. A proposed order and judgment have been lodged with the Court andwill be executed.



Jul 27, 2024 |CVSW2401671

BANK OF AMERICA N.A. VS MOTION FOR ORDER TO DEEM RFA’SCVSW2401671BERNAL ADMITTED BY BANK OF AMERICA N.A.Tentative Ruling: Motion is unopposed. Motion is GRANTED. Requests for Admissionpropounded on April 12, 2024 are deemed admitted. Court to sign proposed order.



Jul 28, 2024 |CVSW2400741

MOTION FOR ORDER TO DEEMSYNCHRONY BANK VSCVSW2400741 MATTERS ADMITTED BY SYNCHRONYFUENTES BANKTentative Ruling: Motion is unopposed. Motion is GRANTED. Requests for Admissionpropounded on March 21, 2024 are deemed admitted. Court to sign proposed order.


Creditors Adjustment Bureau, Inc., vs. Castro

Jul 28, 2024 |23CVG-00362

CREDITORS ADJUSTMENT BUREAU, INC., VS. CASTROCase Number: 23CVG-00362Tentative Ruling on Motion for Terminating Sanctions: Plaintiff Creditors Adjustment Bureau, Inc. movesfor terminating sanctions by striking Defendant Vincent Castro’s answer. Plaintiff also requests sanctions in theamount of $1,572.75 for each motion.Procedural Defect: As a procedural matter, this motion was served both via mail and email on May 9, 2024, andset for a hearing date of June 7, 2024. CCP § 1005(b) requires all moving papers be served 16 court days beforethe hearing. This notice period is extended by five calendar days if the motion is served by mail. Id. For serviceby email, the notice period is extended by two court days. CCP § 1010.6(a)(3). This timeframe is calculated bycounting backwards from the hearing date but excluding the hearing date. CCP § 12c.Starting with the June 7, 2024, hearing date and counting backwards 16 court days (excluding the Court holidayof May 27, 2024) then five calendar days for out of state mailing this matter should have been served by mail nolater than, May 4, 2024. For email the last day to serve the motion was April 24, 2024. The motion was servedon May 7, 2024, and was untimely under either calculation. Based on insufficient statutory notice, the motion isdenied.Merits of Motion: Even if the motion had been timely noticed, terminating sanctions are not warranted.Terminating sanctions are a “drastic penalty and should be used sparingly.” Lopez v. Watchtower Bible & TractSociety of New York, Inc. (2016) 246 Cal.App.4th 566, 604. A terminating sanction should not generally beimposed by the court until less severe sanctions have been attempted and were unsuccessful. Id. No justificationhas been provided as to why terminating sanctions are appropriate in this context instead of lesser evidentiary orissue sanctions. Without additional evidence, terminating sanctions would be premature.The motion is DENIED. A proposed order was lodged with the Court which will be modified to reflect thedenial.Review Hearing: This matter is also on calendar for review regarding trial re-setting. The Court designates thismatter as a Plan II case and intends on setting it for trial no later than October 15, 2024. An appearance isnecessary on today’s calendar to discuss available trial dates.


Wells Fargo Bank, N.A vs. Ken Jones

Jul 24, 2024 |21CECG02532

Re: Wells Fargo Bank, N.A., v. Jones Superior Court Case No. 21CECG02532Hearing Date: July 25, 2024 (Dept. 503)Motion: by Plaintiff to Vacate JudgmentTentative Ruling: To grant. The judgment entered against Ken L. Jones on December 04, 2023 isvacated and the complaint is dismissed without prejudice.Explanation: “The law is well settled that ‘(i)f the plaintiff or defendant was dead before theaction was begun, the judgment is void and subject to collateral attack, because heNever was a party, i.e., the court never acquired jurisdiction of the person.” (Walter v.National Indem. Co. (1970) 3 Cal.App.3d 630, 634, citations omitted.) “The casesenunciating this rule were concerned with judgments, in which there was a living partyof whom the court could have acquired jurisdiction, but of whom it only acquiredapparent but not actual jurisdiction because of lack of service of process or unauthorizedappearance of an attorney. Because of the death … there was no defendant overwhom the court could acquire or exercise jurisdiction.” (Garrison v. Blanchard (1932) 127Cal.App. 616, 621.) Since defendant passed away on October 23, 2020, which was before thisaction’s commencement, there was no defendant over whom the court could acquireor exercise jurisdiction. Accordingly, the plaintiff’s motion to vacate the judgmententered against defendant on December 4, 2023, is granted. Pursuant to California Rules of Court, rule 3.1312(a), and Code of Civil Proceduresection 1019.5, subdivision (a), no further written order is necessary. The minute orderadopting this tentative ruling will serve as the order of the court and service by the clerkwill constitute notice of the order.Tentative RulingIssued By: jyh on 7/23/24 . (Judge’s initials) (Date)


Creditors Adjustment Bureau, Inc., vs. Castro

Jul 22, 2024 |23CVG-00362

CREDITORS ADJUSTMENT BUREAU, INC., VS. CASTROCase Number: 23CVG-00362Tentative Ruling on Motion for Terminating Sanctions: Plaintiff Creditors Adjustment Bureau, Inc. movesfor terminating sanctions by striking Defendant Vincent Castro’s answer. Plaintiff also requests sanctions in theamount of $1,572.75 for each motion.Procedural Defect: As a procedural matter, this motion was served both via mail and email on May 9, 2024, andset for a hearing date of June 7, 2024. CCP § 1005(b) requires all moving papers be served 16 court days beforethe hearing. This notice period is extended by five calendar days if the motion is served by mail. Id. For serviceby email, the notice period is extended by two court days. CCP § 1010.6(a)(3). This timeframe is calculated bycounting backwards from the hearing date but excluding the hearing date. CCP § 12c.Starting with the June 7, 2024, hearing date and counting backwards 16 court days (excluding the Court holidayof May 27, 2024) then five calendar days for out of state mailing this matter should have been served by mail nolater than, May 4, 2024. For email the last day to serve the motion was April 24, 2024. The motion was servedon May 7, 2024, and was untimely under either calculation. Based on insufficient statutory notice, the motion isdenied.Merits of Motion: Even if the motion had been timely noticed, terminating sanctions are not warranted.Terminating sanctions are a “drastic penalty and should be used sparingly.” Lopez v. Watchtower Bible & TractSociety of New York, Inc. (2016) 246 Cal.App.4th 566, 604. A terminating sanction should not generally beimposed by the court until less severe sanctions have been attempted and were unsuccessful. Id. No justificationhas been provided as to why terminating sanctions are appropriate in this context instead of lesser evidentiary orissue sanctions. Without additional evidence, terminating sanctions would be premature.The motion is DENIED. A proposed order was lodged with the Court which will be modified to reflect thedenial.Review Hearing: This matter is also on calendar for review regarding trial re-setting. The Court designates thismatter as a Plan II case and intends on setting it for trial no later than October 15, 2024. An appearance isnecessary on today’s calendar to discuss available trial dates.


Sierra Central Credit Union vs. Goodwin

Jul 26, 2024 |23CVG-00253

SIERRA CENTRAL CREDIT UNION VS. GOODWINCase Number: 23CVG-00253This matter is on calendar for review regarding status of bankruptcy. Plaintiff filed a Case Management Statementinforming the Court that the stay is still in effect. The matter is continued to Tuesday, January 23, 2025 at 9:00a.m. in Department 63 for status of bankruptcy. No appearance is necessary on today’s calendar.



Jul 22, 2024 |Richard K. Sueyoshi |(Collections Case) |Limited Civil |24CV014564



Jul 25, 2024 |Richard K. Sueyoshi |(Collections Case) |Limited Civil |24CV014856



Jul 22, 2024 |Richard K. Sueyoshi |(Collections Case) |Limited Civil |24CV014561



Jul 25, 2024 |Richard K. Sueyoshi |(Collections Case) |Limited Civil |24CV014835



Jul 19, 2024 |Christopher E. Krueger |(Collections Case) |Limited Civil |24CV014440



Jul 24, 2024 |Richard K. Sueyoshi |(Collections Case) |Limited Civil |24CV014890



Jul 22, 2024 |Richard K. Sueyoshi |(Collections Case) |Limited Civil |24CV014502



Jul 23, 2024 |Christopher E. Krueger |(Collections Case) |Limited Civil |24CV014586

Complaint July 22, 2024 (2024)


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Author: Ouida Strosin DO

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Name: Ouida Strosin DO

Birthday: 1995-04-27

Address: Suite 927 930 Kilback Radial, Candidaville, TN 87795

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Job: Legacy Manufacturing Specialist

Hobby: Singing, Mountain biking, Water sports, Water sports, Taxidermy, Polo, Pet

Introduction: My name is Ouida Strosin DO, I am a precious, combative, spotless, modern, spotless, beautiful, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.