Toyotasomi no Miko
Toyo the Toyo, ft. Ultra Eviolite Rhydon
- Pronouns
- they/them
Dex Entry Howdy! I'm Toyo the Toyo. So this is what the inside of a Pokedex is like...
- Pronouns
- they/them
- Pokédex No.
- 154
- Caught
- Jun 28, 2019
- Messages
- 1,611
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- no
- Nature
- Relaxed
- Jul 28, 2018
- Thread Starter
- #63
@Lucario No.1 Fan: Oh, that's pretty cool. The fact it's a 100% proc still makes it really silly.
@mint0h & AfterthoughtC, on the Nut Pokémon: I didn't snipe any pictures of it, but there are a few items with that appearance. It's... Silly, but you'll have to trust me on this.
@mint0h: even if they're bad, kazekonko is still a friend
@pluslefan: Honestly there's only like one more instance of "way harder than it needs to be due to lacking understanding of the language", to be honest, but still. That's what this walkthrough's for, I suppose!
@Neosonic97: literally me when i first saw it tbh
Here's the password we need to put in. Given there's only one other grunt who says any number at all, I'm guessing the fact the one grunt used the number 2 instead of actually writing out two (ニ) from Mint's translation was intentional.
Regardless, that opens up the second half of the dungeon. What's its gimmick?
Conveyor belts... That I can't show off animated because I'm dumb and can't figure out how VBA's recording feature works.
Going on or left of the conveyor belt will lead you further in...
...But going along the right leads you down to a Metal Coat. Since nothing evolves from it (yet) it's just a Steel Move +20% item. Which is fine.
Don't worry about the stairs to the south. That's an exit we'll come up from really shortly here. Heading north will lead you down further, while left serves as an exit back out of the area.
This isn't really a conveyor belt maze given it's not too long, but the solution is to get on, head left then up from the first stop, then head left from the second.
The space to the left, being a one-tile wide area, has a cutscene trigger. Make absolutely sure your Pokémon are healed up before stepping on it.
A long cutscene of... Honestly, very low relevance to an English person, starts, and at the end of it...
...We get thrown into a battle, with what's my favorite battle track in the game. It's just a remix of the grunt theme, but it hits absolutely everything perfectly, honestly.
Chesshess, Level 30
Ability: Technician
Item: Assault Vest
Moves: Vengeance, Aerial Ace, Body Slam, Fake Out
Vengeance is a physical 60/100 dark move. No special effects aside from increased power if the user's hit by the enemy. It's from the TCG on a fair number of cards, and here it's just implemented as a Dark-type Revenge. Fitting.
It'll probably always use Fake Out first turn unless you have a ghost type out, to be honest with you. Procyon can hard-counter this with GOAT, but I decided not to.
Hustle Hyper Fang still does the job.
Chatot's a weird choice for Deneb, but it'll make sense later. Trust me.
...Oh, come on, now you're throwing game-exclusive teams at me?!
Procyon | Deneb |
Gyarakushia, Level 30 Ability: Serene Grace Item: Brightpowder Moves: "Yoga Smash", Severe Poison, Ice Punch, Taunt Yoga Smash is a physical 70/100 Psychic move. I think has recoil, but Google Translate isn't being helpful, and it never used it in this fight. An original move. (あいてに とくしゅな ダメージを あたえる。) Severe Poison is a physical 95/90 Poison move that has a 20% of poisoning, and also has whatever flag Yoga Smash has. It appeared a total of three times in the TCG: Crobat from Unleashed, Dragalge from BREAKpoint, and Salazzle from Crimson Invasion. I have absolutely no idea what this thing is supposed to be but it's actually cool looking and horrifying. Don't worry, you'll be able to get your own soon enough. Shoutouts for being the first thing we've encountered with a six-character name, too. | Vivufoid, Level 30 Ability: Dazzling Item: Brightpowder Moves: Hypnoblast(psychic, 75/90, 20% sleep), Thunderbolt, Aqua Bolt(water, 80/100, 30% paralysis), Taunt ...Man, this side of the comparison's way shorter than the other, so I should probably put some stuff here... Like, uh... Did you know that it's currently impossible to catch over ten Pokémon in the games right now that I haven't always gotten pictures of? We can't get, in no specific order order: Borutefu, Nimbleaf, Planite, H- Oh, one's not miles shorter than the now. Cool, now I don't have to spoil other things we haven't seen. |
...I think you can tell that I didn't quite think putting Rachel in against Vivufoid.
Always carry a backup plan for that.
...Oh, and I guess Zircon can start pulling her weight by taking that weird alien thing out.
Tentacruel, Level 31
Ability: Clear Body
Item: Eviolite
Moves: Sludge Bomb, Aqua Bolt, Mud Shot, Barrier
I don't really think I need to say exactly why this thing was hard besides reminding you about Tentyrant's existence, aka Tentacruel evo. Did I provide enough emphasis on the item? If no, you should really try and- ...Actually, is there anything that can learn a stealing move at this point of the game? I'm not looking it up since I don't know, but y'know. Food for thought if you have something that can either by level or trade. I didn't.
A lot of the team was putting down work in Procyon, since I realized keeping in a Fairy type on a Poison type isn't a good idea. Yes, the retcons are getting me too. I had to confuse it...
...So I could safely switch into my starter, to paralyze it...
thentake it out with Accel Bolt. Since this isn't a nuzlocke, I'm able to pull off silly strats like this without worrying about death, since I can just load a state from when it came out and try again.
Meanwhile, Rachel can just do some stalling with a combination of Prankster Confuse Ray, Roost, and Life Drain. Honestly, aside from replacing Air Cutter with something better like Air Slash or something, she's pretty much set movewise. Of course, I had to sack someone to cure the poison, and looking at my team, Ignis bit it for me. Could have used one of the null spaces, but I'm challenging myself not to.
We're done now, right? I can go and heal before continuing?
Nope. We don't get the chance, which is part of why my leads for the first fight may have been strange. I had to prepare for this fight as well.
...And another set!
Procyon | Deneb |
Roppuru (Spelven), Level 31 Ability: Filter Item: Ghost Gem Moves: Shadow Ball, Dazzling Gleam, Psybeam, Calm Mind | Hantama (Hantama), Level 31 Ability: Intimidate Item: Ghost Gem Moves: Low Sweep, Shadow Claw, Rock Slide, Bulk Up |
Both are dangerous if you let them set up.
Spelven's new Filter can't stop the Cronch (actually it's still Bite, Dogurt wants Crunch soon pls), whi-
...Oh. When I taught Ominous Wind to Chatot, I wasn't expecting a boss fight proc ever. And you know what? Sure, I'll meme on 'em. Once again, Procyon skipped right to the ace. So Deneb's gonna be the route of choice.
Irairan, Level 32
Ability: Shield Dust
Item: Brightpowder. Brightpowder is the meta now.
Moves: Volt Switch, Air Slash, Bug Buzz, Thunder Wave
It went for Thunder Wave when Volt Switch probably would have still been enough to kill. And even if it doesn't proc the confusion due to Shield Dust, Chatter is still a decently strong move off of Chatot's Special Attack.
Sumōgasu (Turblimp), Level 32
Ability: Levitate
Item: Leftovers
Moves: Lava Plume, Smogscreen, Dark Pulse, Will-O-Wisp
Smogscreen is a special 65/90 Poison move with a 30% chance to lower accuracy. It's... Well, y'know... Accuracy move but actually does damage. Kind of like Mud Bomb, actua- ...Hey, wait a second, this is just Poison-type Mud Bomb with more accuracy! Appeared in TCG, as early as Platinum Dustox.
Another thing you really want to steal from, but it's not as important as Tentacruel's item.
chatter is a really silly move, who at gamefreak thought 100% confuse was balanced
Also here's why I wasn't worried about showing Goabalt's unshiny sprite: You see it in all of its edgy glory here.
Goabalt, Level 33
Ability: Hard Rock
Item: Chople Berry (Halves damage from one SE Fighting move; it's not new overall but i keep forgetting which type effectivity items are which without actively looking, so nyehhhh)
Moves: Smart Strike, Crunch, Bounce, Swords Dance
Once again, dangerous if you let it set up, not as much if you don't...
...But it's still dangerous. You know, especially if it hits itself.
(not shown: a second ominous wind proc, plus chatter and other good stuff)
Rayele procced Two five-hit Aqua Vulcans (????) in a row, Accel Bolt is still really ridiculous through a resist, and then Water is strong on fire.
Whew, finally done. Taking on two, let alone four, bosses in a row is tiring. After that, the admins leave and-
oh no
Oh, okay.
Mosmero and George don't fight you, they just initiates another really long talkscene before leaving. With that out of the way, Dowsing Machine says there's...
(It's a Dusk Stone, the first of two in this beta)
This guy won't fight you. But it probably will give you a bit of a scare.
He mentions Hashibami and leaves. I'll get back to him in a bit, but for now, stairs.
Hey, this looks familiar...
...And this item right here is the only reason we have to go through here in the first place. Now we can push rocks into holes. We'll go over the finds later, since there's a few points to check out.
This is optional, but you'll want to do it. He's just a normal grunt. I didn't include the fight with him, since not only am I pushing the image limit, he's not at all important besides being a grunt.
Beating him gives us a Stolen Pokémon's Pokéball (It's actually a Luxury Ball), and he mentions Arazome Cit-
...Wasn't there someone there we had to remember?
...Ah, right. This guy. He's the source of the Coin Case, and we can totally figure that out without some sort of guide! Possibly. Okay, maybe not.
Anyways, let's talk Game Corner. There's only two reward clerks rather than three. The one on the left sells us the five flutes. Hooray? As for the other... Well, rather than describe in just text, let me pull out an image I made using Paint in like five minutes showing the things you can buy from the corner, because I know how much you guys love having images alongside your text.
The top one is the version's exclusive rabbit, and the second one is Yolkid. Not much use for the former, but the latter's okay if you don't like the Safari Zone, I suppose.
The middle in both versions is Teruten (Terubim), and it's the resident Castform of the hack series, meaning it's fairly flexible. Sure, 100/80/60/80/60/75 isn't much, but it's better than the thing it's replacing.
...And it gets the Deepsea Items from Clamperl, too. It's really good with that, but it's still... Ehhh, I guess. I never really liked Castform a whole lot even if it's interesting to use.
Procyon's exclusive is Gyaraxia/Gyalaxia/Gyarakushia. All of them are acceptable romanizations of its name, I think? Anyways, it's got a really weird type combo: Poison/Psychic. Weird doesn't mean bad, since 65/125/82/50/77/90 stats can really make it a powerhouse. Serene Grace is as it does, while on the other hand, Long Reach is interesting too. Yes, it takes the Rowlet line's signature hidden ability for itself.
Deneb, meanwhile, gets Bibiddon (Vivufoid) after being teased about it ever since Gym 3. It doesn't seem like it'd be a counterpart, but there you go. It's an Electric/Psychic type with 65/50/77/125/82/90 to prove it's a counterpart because that's what a lot of them do I guess, and abilities can be either the Priority-Locking Dazzling or the far less interesting Static.
...And if you grind all the way to 9999 coins, you can pick up Demini. Is it good? Well... That depends on your definition of good. Dark/Fairy's a nifty little typing, so that's a point for it. Shadow Tag doesn't do much for now (it changes later on), while Sniper also seems appetizing, but neither's going to do much to help its incredibly lackluster 40/60/45/50/49/56 stats... Yet. It's monstrously good after evolution, given that it's one of two
Pseudo-legendarieswe can find in the beta. We really have to work for it, though. To alleviate that a bit, I'm teaming one of them in Deneb.
So looking at this, I'm gonna need to get 2800 once, 5500 twice, and then 9999 once. Excluding the coins I kick off the grind with and presuming I don't touch the flutes, that means I'm looking at a whooping 23799 coins I have to grind. This... means there might be a longer break than usual between this part and the next, given that the game corner isn't the most exciting thing in the world to me and I can't focus on it for a very long time before feeling like I'm falling asleep. Anyways, let's talk about something else really quick that I forgot to do.
I forget when the flag to do this sets, but I think you can do it right away? I didn't even figure this out until I looked at a guide for it. I think you have to talk to the kid here, then go down to the restaurant in Hisoku (aka Fire Gym City), then talk to this kid again?
Regardless. Only Shiny Stone we'll get in the games. Use it wisely. Or don't, since there's only two evolutions from it.
Since Chatot hit level 34, I figured I'd grind the rest of the team up, and wouldn't you know it, Mosmer evolves at 34 into Bajirīru (Basilux)! You can see it gains an electric typing, and stats of 80/75/80/115/90/95 mean that it's... Not actually all that bad at anything? Sure, me rolling low on Special Attack sucks, but it's still usable.
Upon evolution, it gains its own unique move since apparently every starter's doing that now or something. Blossom Light is a good secondary STAB move that can lower the enemy's Accuracy. Emphasis on can: It's only a 10% chance. It might not last long though, since Basilux gets Thunderbolt at 40. Regardless, bye Fury Cutter. Nice having you.
(since i didn't mention it, the water starter skelachone's move is a physical 80/100 ghost move called deadly bone; the wiki doesn't say anything about its side effect aside from something about higher quickness being stronger, which could refer to some sort of reverse revenge thing at work)
And no, Ignis the Gardleon doesn't evolve yet. It's the short end of the stick, since it's a level 36 evo.
Next time might not exist for a while, but whenever it does, we're gonna check out what stones we can push. The one we push to proceed are on Route 605, but there's multiple of them to push.
Let's start by capping off Baburun's evolutions.
If you use a Shiny Stone, you'll get the Water/Electric Supainā, which is a tanky boy with 80/65/125/100/90/60 stats that also hits decently hard specially. Marvel Scale shoots that defense even higher, while Illuminate is... Uh... Bad. Like, really bad. The "Please, I'm begging you, load a save state if you have one with this ability" kind of bad.
Using a Dusk Stone instead turns Baburun into Garakasago, a Water/Poison type with 80/90/60/125/65/100 stats, meaning it falls under the "leans special but can go mixed with the right nature" bag. Poison Point isn't even good given its low defense, but Mold Breaker makes well more than up for it.
Evolving Pinnatto into Gagokin before the executive duo isn't a terrible idea, since it'll pick up Meteor Mash to use with its 69/81/88/51/58/63 stats right away. The design's also really cool. Not the way you'd expect it to go, but it once again shows how good some of the series' fakes can be.
At level 34, Percusoon evolves into Tanuking, which is... Honestly, it's a normal type. 72/110/90/70/70/93 is fairly generic as far as statlines can go, but it does it well enough.
The exclusives having different evo levels finally messes the comparisons up. Only the Procyon Bird gets to evolve for now.
At 34, Hiyoppi evolves into Tonbīto. 80/60/64/100/76/96 is good, but a bit frail. Its main draw, however, is that Keen Eye Chicchi/Hiyoppi now have Serene Grace, alongside getting Air Slash a few levels before evolution. Wanna slap a Choice Scarf on it to try for lots of 60% STAB flinches? Sure, go ahead, since it's better than Togekiss at that.
Big Pecks, meanwhile, turns into Tinted Lens. It's a thing, I guess. Not the best thing since Serene Grace exists, but it's a thing.