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Lots of questions about Nmbrs (Salaris Online) have been asked before. Answers to frequently asked questions have been gathered on this page. If your question is not included, you can always contact us.
What do I do if I forget my password?
You can easily reset your passwords by following the steps below.
- Go toNmbrs (Salaris Online).
- Click ‘Wachtwoord vergeten?’ [‘Forgot password?’] at the bottom.
- Enter your email address in the screen that appears. Click ‘Wachtwoord resetten’ [‘Reset password’] to confirm.
- In a few moments, you will receive an email explaining how you can reset your password.
How does logging in with a PIN work?
If you use the Manager Login (MSS), you have to enter a PIN when logging in as an extra security check in addition to your email address and password. You will receive a notification automatically the first time you log in. You can select a PIN by following the steps.
Need help?This page contains simple step-by-step instructions for logging in using two-factor authentication.
How does logging in with a Google authentication work?
If you use the company login, you need to use the Google Authenticator application when logging in as an extra security check in addition to your email address and password. The app produces a new code each time someone logs in. You need to take the following steps the first time you log in:
- Download the Google Authenticator application on your mobile device from theApp Storeor Google Play.
- When you log into Nmbrs, you will also see download options. After the application has been downloaded, select ‘next’.
- Open Google Authenticator and scan the QR code that appears.
- You will receive a code that you need to enter on the same screen, on the right-hand side.
- Select ‘Validate’.
From now on, you will need to follow steps 4 and 5 every time you log into Nmbrs.
Need help?This page contains simple step-by-step instructions for logging in using two-factor authentication.
What do I do if I do not have a mobile phone and I want to log into Nmbrs?
If you use the company login, you need to use the Google Authenticator application when logging in as an extra security check in addition to your email address and password. This is an app you need to download on your mobile phone and which produces a new code each time someone logs in. If you do not have a mobile phone, you can call our Service desk on 088 460 69 69 or send an email to help@moore-drv.nl. They will be happy to help you.
How can I use Google Authenticator to log into multiple profiles?
If you manage multiple profiles in Nmbrs, a different code needs to be generated for each profile through the Google Authenticator app. To do this, follow the steps below. (NB: we are assuming you are already logged into a profile through the Google Authenticator app, so you know how to use the app.)
- You need to add new code in the Google Authenticator app in order to enable a different profile to be used for logging in.
- Before you do this, it is a good idea to assign a name to the code that has already been linked to the app. You can do this using the pen in the top right-hand corner of the app.
- Once you have entered a name, save it by clicking the tick sign in the top right-hand corner of the app.
- After you have logged into Nmbrs, you can add another profile in Nmbrs by going to ‘Profiel wisselen’ [‘Change Profile’].
- Enter your login details and you will once again see step-by-step instructions for setting up two-factor authentication.
- Click ‘Volgende’ [‘Next’] in the bottom right-hand corner.
- You will now be asked to scan a QR code again. To do this, go to the Google Authenticator app on your mobile device and click the plus (+) sign.
- You now have two options: ‘Een streepjescode scannen’ [‘Scan a barcode’] and‘Een geleverde sleutel invoeren’ [‘Enter a supplied key’]. Select the first option.
- Next, use your mobile device to scan the QR code displayed on your screen in Nmbrs. Google Authenticator will generates a six-digit code immediately. Enter this code to the right of the QR code in Nmbrs, then press ‘Verder’ [‘Next’]’.
- Select ‘Validate’.
- You are now logged into Nmbrs in the other profile.
- Remember to use the pen in the top right-hand corner to assign a name to this code.
Repeat these steps to add more profiles.
What does it mean when the employee payslip says 'Loonstrook wordt herzien' ['Payslip is being revised']?
If the notification ‘Loonstrook wordt herzien’ [‘Payslip is being revised’] is displayed, it means that there is a (correction) run that is not yet visible to the employee.
In order to make a wage run visible, the (previous) wage run(s) need to be made visible by ticking the box on the right-hand side.
NB: there may have been a previous correction run, meaning the employee cannot view the payslip.
What if the run notification says 'Ontbrekende kleur tabel, soort inkomen, cao code, zvw code etc.' ['Missing colour table, income type, CLA code, ZVW code, etc.]'?
If you receive run notifications from missing data, this most likely relates to a newly entered employee. This employee was entered in a different period than when they entered employment. You need to report the employee’s employment start date retrospectively.
Do this by:
- Entering all data into the dashboard retrospectively.
- Deleting and re-entering the employee. Delete the employee by going to ‘Medewerker beheer’ [‘Employee management’] on the ‘Instellingen’ [‘Settings’] tab. Then, re-enter the employee in the previous period.
Why is it not possible to download payslips?
There are several reasons why you may not be able to download payslips. These reasons are explained below:
Business logo used with incorrect settings:If a business logo with incorrect colour coding or incorrect dimensions has been used, the payslips cannot be downloaded to PDF.
No payroll order description:One reason for not being able to download payslips is that no description is given for the payroll order. To enter this description, go to the ‘Loonopdracht’ [‘Payroll order’] dashboard and click ‘Omschrijving’ [‘Description’]. A pop-up will open where you can enter the description.
NB: you need to save the change before downloading the payslips.
Missing business address or employee address: Another cause may be that no address has been entered for the business or employee included in the run.
Example: a run has been made over 2014-01, but the business address has only been entered over 2014-02. This is easy to see in the address history. No address has been entered for the period 1 run. When you reset the period to 2014-01 with the lock open and you enter the address, you can download the payslips once the salary documents have been recalculated.
Why are there no employee email addresses?
When you want to make the payslip available to employees, a pop-up appears with employees’ email addresses. These email addresses are not visible for periods corrected retrospectively.
Which payments are and are not included in the SEPA file?
If a correction has been made to a previous payslip within a run, the amount will be settled on the normal payment to the employee. There are two exceptions to this:
Situation 1:A previous payment was made by cash, afterwards you add an IBAN number to this already paid period and a subsequent payment follows. In this situation, the previously paid amount will be reversed to ‘Kas’ [‘Cash’] and the new payment will be included in full in the SEPA file.
Solution:If this is the preferred method, you can choose to add the IBAN number from the next period that has not yet been paid out. The subsequent payments will also be paid out and booked as ‘Kas’ [‘Cash’].Situation 2:The payslip is negative, which means the payment to the employee is a deduction. This could be the case for a final settlement or when an advance payment has been made which is actually higher than the (net) salary in the period concerned. In this case, the (negative) amount is booked as ‘Kas’ [‘Cash’] and is not settled with a positive salary payment in the same run.
Solution: You enter these (negative) payments in the next period on an untaxed wage code.In both situations, this amount is displayed in the payment list (salary documents) under the ‘Kas’ [‘Cash’] heading.
How do notifications work when employees leave?
When employees leave the business, only the action points that were created for the employee(s) in question are sent out.
These action points are not automatically terminated, as this can be used as a means of verification; in order to check whether the employee in question has handed in their laptop or paid their parking fine, for example.
No more notifications will be sent after the action point is close by ticking ‘Is afgesloten’ [‘Closed’].
Does Nmbrs support audit files?
Nmbrs does not support audit files for the Dutch Tax and Customs Administration. However, you can download all salary documents in one zip file by saving them to ‘Bestandsbeheer’ [‘File management’]. The salary documents are then saved in a zip file per wage run, which can be downloaded.
Question not answered?
If your question is not listed or the answer is unclear, our Service desk will be happy to help you. Call, WhatsApp or email us, or fill in the contact form on the Service desk page. We are available on working days between 8.30am and 5pm.
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