PointClickCare AHT (SNF EHR) - User Comments (2024)

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} var i; var selectedSatisfaction = ""; for (i = 0; i <= maxSatisfactionScore; i++) { if ($("#star" + i + "i").hasClass('fas')) { selectedSatisfaction = i; } } var $months = $('div.months div.btn-primary.active'); var numberOfMonths = parseInt($months.attr("data-months")); var showOnlyUnread = false; if (numberOfMonths === 0) { showOnlyUnread = true; rowsToRetrieve = 50000; } else { rowsToRetrieve = 50000; } $.ajax({ type: 'POST', url: '/comments/_comments', data: { evProductIds:_evProductId, searchString: searchString, startDate: startDate, endDate: endDate, sortId: sortOrder, includeProviderPulse: false, numberOfRows: rowsToRetrieve, pageNumber: _currentPage, jobLevels: selectedJobLevels.toString(), commentType: selectedCommentTypes, scores: selectedSatisfaction, categories: selectedCategories, async: ajaxAsync, // blocks scroll events from duplicating the data. sortItems: "[{"SortTypeID":2,"SortDesc":"Date Newest"},{"SortTypeID":1,"SortDesc":"Date Oldest"},{"SortTypeID":4,"SortDesc":"Job Level Z-A"},{"SortTypeID":3,"SortDesc":"Job Level A-Z"}]", showUnreadOnly: showOnlyUnread, segmentId: 21, contactName: "", contactNumber: "", marketSegmentName: "Long-Term Care", productTypeId: 1, isOneTimeService: "False" } }).done(function (html) { if (pageNum > 1) { var $html = $(html); 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"Hide Advanced Filters" : " View Advanced Filters"; }); }); // wire up date pickers $("#fromDate").datepicker().on("changeDate", function () { populateCommentResults(); $(this).datepicker('hide'); }); $("#toDate").datepicker().on("changeDate", function () { populateCommentResults(); $(this).datepicker('hide'); }); $("#fromDate, #toDate").on("change", function () { $(this).datepicker('hide'); }); $("#fromDate, #toDate").on("blur", function () { populateCommentResults(); }); $(".job-level-check-boxes input").on("change", function () { var $this = $(this); if ($this.attr('value') === "0") { $(".job-level-check-boxes input").prop('checked', false); $this.prop('checked', true); } else { if ($("#joblevel-0").is(':checked')) { $("#joblevel-0").prop('checked', false); } } saveFilters(); }); $("#comment-type-check-boxes input").on("change", function () { var $this = $(this); if ($this.attr('value') === "0") { $("#comment-type-check-boxes input").prop('checked', false); $this.prop('checked', true); } else { if ($("#comment-type-0").is(':checked')) { $("#comment-type-0").prop('checked', false); } } saveFilters(); }); $("#category-check-boxes input").on("change", function () { var $this = $(this); if ($this.attr('value') === "0") { $("#category-check-boxes input").prop('checked', false); $this.prop('checked', true); } else { if ($("#category-0").is(':checked')) { $("#category-0").prop('checked', false); } } saveFilters(); }); // Change the month selector $("div.months div.btn-primary").on("click", function () { $("div.months div.btn-primary").removeClass('active'); $(this).addClass("active"); updateDateRange(); populateCommentResults(); saveFilters(); }); //Search event with a de-bouncer, prevent enter key $("#commentsSearchInput").on("keyup", $.debounce(750, function () { // refresh the results populateCommentResults(); })).on("keypress", function (event) { var code = (event.keyCode ? event.keyCode : event.which); if (code === 13) { event.stopPropagation(); event.preventDefault(); } }); $(".filter-radio-buttons-comments").off('click').on('click', function () { var value = $(this).val(); if (value === "0") { $('input[name=commentType]').prop("checked", false); $('input[name=commentType][value="0"]').prop("checked", true); } else { $('input[name=commentType][value="0"]').prop("checked", false); } applyKlasOverLay('#commentsContainer'); // Number of years from the parent page var numberOfYears = $("#trendingFilters .years .btn.btn-primary.active").attr("data-years"); var filterSizeValue = $('input[name="size"]:checked').val(); var filterRegionValue = $('input[name="region"]:checked').val(); var filterSpecialtyValue = $('input[name="specialty-filter-Utilization-1"]:checked').val(); var filterOwnedValue = $('input[name="owned"]:checked').val(); var filterSubTypeValue = $('input[name="subtype"]:checked').val(); if (filterSizeValue === undefined) { filterSizeValue = 0; } if (filterRegionValue === undefined) { filterRegionValue = 0; } if (filterOwnedValue === undefined) { filterOwnedValue = -1; } if (filterSubTypeValue === undefined) { filterSubTypeValue = 0; } // Update the filters $.ajax({ url: '/productPage/UpdateFilters', data: { productId: _evProductId, filterSizeValue: filterSizeValue, filterRegionValue: filterRegionValue, filterSpecialtyValue: filterSpecialtyValue, filterSubTypeValue: filterSubTypeValue, isOwnedId: filterOwnedValue, } }).done(function (result) { if(result.evProductId == null) { // There is data that KLAS is willing to show for this case. (Exception Ambulatory EMR, when sizing is applied the business doesn't want to show the owned data.) $('#commentsContainer').empty().html("No comments for the selected filter combination."); return; } // Update the global evProduct Id with the new one. _evProductId = result.evProductId; var filterSizeValue = $('input[name="size"]:checked').val(); var filterRegionValue = $('input[name="region"]:checked').val(); var filterSubTypeVlue =$('input[name="subtype"]:checked').val(); var filterOwnedValue =$('input[name="owned"]:checked').val(); var filterSpecialtyValue = $('input[name="specialty-filter-Utilization-1"]:checked').val(); var filterSizeText = $('input[name="size"]:checked').parent().text(); var filterSubTypeText = $('input[name="subtype"]:checked').parent().text(); var filterOwnedText = $('input[name="owned"]:checked').parent().text(); var filterRegionText = $('input[name="region"]:checked').parent().text(); var filterSpecialtyText = $('input[name="specialty-filter-Utilization-1"]:checked').parent().text(); var filterOwnedValue = $('input[name="owned"]:checked').val(); var filterOwnedText = $('input[name="owned"]:checked').parent().text(); var filterSubTypeValue = $('input[name="subtype"]:checked').val(); var filterSubTypeText = $('input[name="subtype"]:checked').parent().text(); $("#viewProductsButton").attr("href", "/review/" + result.urlFriendlyProductName + "/" + _evProductId); var filterText = buildFilterText(filterSizeText.trim(), filterRegionText.trim(), filterSpecialtyText, filterSubTypeText.trim(), filterOwnedText.trim()) $("strong.filtered-text-description").text(filterText); // Change all the labels if (filterText.toLowerCase().includes("all") && !filterText.toLowerCase().includes("small")) { $(".filter-text-label").addClass("d-none"); } else { $(".filter-text-label").removeClass("d-none"); } populateCommentResults(); var url = "/comments/" + result.urlFriendlyProductName + "/" + result.evProductId; if (result.evProductIds && result.evProductIds != "") { url += "/" + result.evProductIds; } history.pushState({ evProductId: result.evProductId, evProductIds: result.evProductIds, numberOfYears: numberOfYears, filterText: filterText, filterSizeValue: filterSizeValue, filterRegionValue: filterRegionValue, filterSpecialtyValue: filterSpecialtyValue, filterSubTypeValue: filterSubTypeValue, filterOwnedValue: filterOwnedValue, }, document.title + " - " + filterText, url); }).fail(function (response) { toastr.error("error updating filters"); }).always(function () { removeKlasOverlay(); }); // Bind the Call to action login button the menu click event // Global function see functions.js bindMenuLoginButton('.login-to-access'); bindCreateAccountButton('.create-account-modal-dropdown'); bindMobileCreateAccountButton(".mobile-create-account-modal-dropdown"); $(window).on('popstate', function (e) { if (e.originalEvent.state.evProductId != undefined && e.originalEvent.state.evProductId != null) { // Restore the state of the check-boxes $("input[name='size'][value='" + e.originalEvent.state.filterSizeValue + "']") .prop("checked", true); $("input[name='size2'][value='" + e.originalEvent.state.filterSizeValue + "']") .prop("checked", true); $("input[name='region'][value='" + e.originalEvent.state.filterRegionValue + "']") .prop("checked", true); $("input[name='region2'][value='" + e.originalEvent.state.filterRegionValue + "']") .prop("checked", true); $("input[name='specialty-filter-Utilization-1'][value='" + e.originalEvent.state.filterSpecialtyValue + "']") .prop("checked", true); $("input[name='specialty-filter-Utilization-2'][value='" + e.originalEvent.state.filterSpecialtyValue + "']") .prop("checked", true); $("input[name='subtype'][value='" + e.originalEvent.state.filterSubTypeValue + "']") .prop("checked", true); $("input[name='owned'][value='" + e.originalEvent.state.filterOwnedValue + "']") .prop("checked", true); loadCommentFilters(e.originalEvent.state.evProductId, e.originalEvent.state.filterSizeValue, e.originalEvent.state.filterRegionValue, e.originalEvent.state.filterSpecialtyValue, e.originalEvent.state.filterSubTypeValue, e.originalEvent.state.filterOwnedValue); } }); const EUROPE_FILTER = 11; // Europe filter ID const EUROPE_RANGE_START = 2291; // Europe sub filter range start const EUROPE_RANGE_END = 2296; // Europe sub filter range end // Show Europe filters based on region selection var regionValue = 0; if (regionValue === EUROPE_FILTER || (regionValue >= EUROPE_RANGE_START && regionValue <= EUROPE_RANGE_END)) { $("#europe-filters-continer").removeClass("d-none"); } // Hide and Show Europe filters based on region selection $("input[name='region']").change(function () { var $this = $(this); var value = parseInt($this.val(), 10); if (value === EUROPE_FILTER || (value >= EUROPE_RANGE_START && value <= EUROPE_RANGE_END)) { $("#europe-filters-continer").removeClass("d-none"); } else { $("#europe-filters-continer").addClass("d-none"); } }); }); } // end of function commentFiltersDocumentReady var HasAccess = false; var IsVendor = false; function setStars(selectorToAdd, selectorToRemove) { for (let k = (minSatisfactionScore + 1); k <= maxSatisfactionScore; k++) { $("#star" + k + "i").removeClass("fas").addClass("far"); } for (let j = 1; j <= minSatisfactionScore; j++) { $("#star" + j + "i").removeClass(selectorToRemove).addClass(selectorToAdd); } } function bindEvents() { $(".star-filters span.star").on("click", function () { var $this = $(this); var value = $this.attr("data-value"); var id = "#star" + value + "i"; if (value <= minSatisfactionScore) { if ($(id).hasClass("far")) { //a star was clicked to select it setStars("fas", "far"); } else { //a star was clicked to unselect it setStars("far", "fas"); } } else { if ($(id).hasClass("far")) { //a star was clicked to select it $(".fas").removeClass("fas").addClass("far"); $(id).addClass("fas").removeClass("far"); } else { //a star was clicked to unselect it $(".fas").removeClass("fas").addClass("far"); $(id).addClass("far").removeClass("fas"); } } if (IsVendor === true) { ReturnByMonthFilterToPreviousState(); } populateCommentResults(); }); }

PointClickCare AHT (SNF EHR) - User Comments (2024)


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Article information

Author: Aron Pacocha

Last Updated:

Views: 5906

Rating: 4.8 / 5 (68 voted)

Reviews: 91% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Aron Pacocha

Birthday: 1999-08-12

Address: 3808 Moen Corner, Gorczanyport, FL 67364-2074

Phone: +393457723392

Job: Retail Consultant

Hobby: Jewelry making, Cooking, Gaming, Reading, Juggling, Cabaret, Origami

Introduction: My name is Aron Pacocha, I am a happy, tasty, innocent, proud, talented, courageous, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.