Roles of nonlocal electron-phonon coupling on the electrical conductivity and Seebeck coefficient: A time-dependent DMRG study (2024)

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Roles of nonlocal electron-phonon coupling on the electrical conductivity and Seebeck coefficient: A time-dependent DMRG study

Yufei Ge, Weitang Li, Jiajun Ren, and Zhigang Shuai
Phys. Rev. B 110, 035201 – Published 3 July 2024
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Roles of nonlocal electron-phonon coupling on the electrical conductivity and Seebeck coefficient: A time-dependent DMRG study (1)

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    Roles of nonlocal electron-phonon coupling on the electrical conductivity and Seebeck coefficient: A time-dependent DMRG study (2)


    Organic molecular materials are potential high-performance thermoelectric materials. Theoretical understanding of thermoelectric conversion in organic materials is essential for rational molecular design for efficient energy conversion materials. In organic materials, nonlocal electron-phonon coupling plays a vital role in charge transport and leads to complex transport mechanisms, including hopping, phonon assisted, band, and transient localization. In this work, based on the time-dependent density matrix renormalization group method, we look at the role of nonlocal electron-phonon coupling on the thermoelectric conversion in organic systems described by the Holstein-Peierls model. We calculate the current-current correlation and the heat current-current correlation functions. We find that (i) nonlocal electron-phonon coupling has a very weak influence on the Seebeck coefficient because of the cancellation between the heat current-current correlation function and the current-current correlation function, but it has a strong influence on the conductivity through dynamic disorders; and (ii) doping concentration has a strong influence on both the conductivity and Seebeck coefficient, and the optimal doping ratio to reach the highest power factor is 3%–10% fillings when the Holstein-Peierls model is valid. These findings suggest that we can design organic materials with higher power factors by first enhancing mobility through rational design, and then searching for the optimal doping ratio.

    • Roles of nonlocal electron-phonon coupling on the electrical conductivity and Seebeck coefficient: A time-dependent DMRG study (3)
    • Roles of nonlocal electron-phonon coupling on the electrical conductivity and Seebeck coefficient: A time-dependent DMRG study (4)
    • Roles of nonlocal electron-phonon coupling on the electrical conductivity and Seebeck coefficient: A time-dependent DMRG study (5)
    • Roles of nonlocal electron-phonon coupling on the electrical conductivity and Seebeck coefficient: A time-dependent DMRG study (6)
    • Roles of nonlocal electron-phonon coupling on the electrical conductivity and Seebeck coefficient: A time-dependent DMRG study (7)
    • Roles of nonlocal electron-phonon coupling on the electrical conductivity and Seebeck coefficient: A time-dependent DMRG study (8)
    • Roles of nonlocal electron-phonon coupling on the electrical conductivity and Seebeck coefficient: A time-dependent DMRG study (9)
    • Received 19 December 2023
    • Revised 1 June 2024
    • Accepted 17 June 2024


    ©2024 American Physical Society

    Physics Subject Headings (PhySH)

    Condensed Matter, Materials & Applied Physics

    Authors & Affiliations

    Yufei Ge1, Weitang Li2, Jiajun Ren3, and Zhigang Shuai4,*

    • *Contact author:

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    Vol. 110, Iss. 3 — 15 July 2024

    Roles of nonlocal electron-phonon coupling on the electrical conductivity and Seebeck coefficient: A time-dependent DMRG study (10)
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    Roles of nonlocal electron-phonon coupling on the electrical conductivity and Seebeck coefficient: A time-dependent DMRG study (13)

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    • Roles of nonlocal electron-phonon coupling on the electrical conductivity and Seebeck coefficient: A time-dependent DMRG study (14)

      Figure 1

      Schematic diagram of the numerical calculation progress. Here, we map the Holstein-Peierls model to the tensors in the DMRG calculation. If we consider two local vibration modes in each molecular and nearest-neighbor nonlocal vibration (red dotted box), we can align the tensors (sites) of electrons, nonlocal vibrations, and local vibrations as presented above.

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    • Roles of nonlocal electron-phonon coupling on the electrical conductivity and Seebeck coefficient: A time-dependent DMRG study (15)

      Figure 2

      Five transport regimes in organic materials. The yellow part is the hopping regime, where |τ|λ and ΔV|τ|; the purple part is the phonon-assisted regime, where |τ|λ and ΔV is comparable to or larger than |τ|; the blue part is the band regime, where |τ|λ and ΔV|τ|; the green part is the transient localization regime, where |τ|λ and ΔV is comparable to or larger than |τ|; the white part is the intermediate regime, where |τ|λ and ΔV|τ|. The gray dashed lines (I), (II), and (III) correspond to the parameter selection in Fig.3. The black crosses correspond to the representative parameters of five transport regimes, which are adopted in Figs.4, 5, 6.

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    • Roles of nonlocal electron-phonon coupling on the electrical conductivity and Seebeck coefficient: A time-dependent DMRG study (16)

      Figure 3

      Influence of nonlocal electron-phonon coupling ΔV on conductivity σ, Seebeck coefficient α, and mean free path lmfp under different local electron-phonon couplings. (a)–(c), (d)–(f), and (g)–(i) correspond to strong, intermediate, and weak local electron-phonon coupling, respectively. Here, c=0.03 and T=300K.

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    • Roles of nonlocal electron-phonon coupling on the electrical conductivity and Seebeck coefficient: A time-dependent DMRG study (17)

      Figure 4

      One-particle spectral density function when T=300K in (a) hopping regime, (b) intermediate regime 1, (c) band regime, (d) phonon-assisted regime, (e) intermediate regime 2, and (f) transient localization regime.

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    • Roles of nonlocal electron-phonon coupling on the electrical conductivity and Seebeck coefficient: A time-dependent DMRG study (18)

      Figure 5

      Temperature dependence of conductivity σ and Seebeck coefficient α in different transport regimes. Here, c=0.03. Note that in (a) and (b) τ=6meV and λ=125meV; in (c) and (d) τ=72meV and λ=125meV; in (e) and (f) τ=144meV and λ=0.

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    • Roles of nonlocal electron-phonon coupling on the electrical conductivity and Seebeck coefficient: A time-dependent DMRG study (19)

      Figure 6

      Dependence of conductivity σ, Seebeck coefficient α, and power factor PF on doping ratio c when T=300K. (a)–(c) correspond to electron doping and (d)–(f) correspond to hole doping.

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    • Roles of nonlocal electron-phonon coupling on the electrical conductivity and Seebeck coefficient: A time-dependent DMRG study (20)

      Figure 7

      (a),(b) Convergence of virtual bond dimension D; (c),(d) convergence of the size of the nonlocal phonon basis dP; and (e),(f) convergence of the size of local phonon basis dH in our work.

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    Roles of nonlocal electron-phonon coupling on the electrical conductivity and Seebeck coefficient: A time-dependent DMRG study (2024)


    Roles of nonlocal electron-phonon coupling on the electrical conductivity and Seebeck coefficient: A time-dependent DMRG study? ›

    We find that (i) nonlocal electron-phonon coupling has a very weak influence on the Seebeck coefficient because of the cancellation between the heat current

    heat current
    A heat current or thermal current is a kinetic exchange rate between molecules, relative to the material in which the kinesis occurs. It is defined as the net rate of flow of heat. The SI unit of heat current is the Watt, which is the flow of heat across a surface at the rate of one Joule per second. › wiki › Heat_current
    -current correlation function and the current-current correlation function, but it has a strong influence on the conductivity through dynamic disorders; and (ii) ...

    How does electron-phonon coupling work? ›

    The electron–phonon interaction process is basically the absorption (annihilation) or emission of a phonon ( q , λ ) with a simultaneous change of the electron states from | k , σ > to | k ± q , σ > . Here, σ is the spin index and λ = x , y , z directions.

    What is the interaction between electrons and phonons? ›

    The electron–phonon interaction is one of the cornerstones of condensed matter physics. It is a major scattering mechanism that limits charge carrier mobility in bulk semiconductors1, forms the basis of conventional superconductivity2, and contributes to optical absorption in indirect-gap semiconductors3.

    What is the electron phonon interaction in superconductors? ›

    An effective attractive interaction between the electrons results from exchange of virtual phonons. Strong confirmation of the importance of electron-phonon interactions in superconductivity came from the independent experimental discovery of the isotope effect.

    What is the electron-phonon coupling constant? ›

    11 and deduce the electron-phonon coupling constant, λe-ph = 2.0, the ground state coherence length, ξ(0) = 2.20 ± 0.09 nm, and the Fermi temperature, TF = (1.7-2.8) 104 K, for the Hx(S,C)y superconductor with Tc = 190 K.

    What is the role of phonons in thermal conductivity? ›

    Phonons transport heat from hotter regions to cooler regions. The heat flow can be calculated from the phonon dispersion relation of a crystal using the Boltzmann transport equation.

    How to increase electron-phonon coupling? ›

    One strategy, popular after the realization that (conventional) superconductivity is mediated by phonons, is to chemically combine different elements within the crystalline unit cell to maximize the electron-phonon coupling.

    What will happen if electron and proton combine together? ›

    A neutron is formed by an electron and a proton combining together. Therefore, it is neutral. Canal rays are positively charged radiations which led to the discovery of protons. Electrons are negatively charged sub-atomic particles having negligible mass.

    What are the four types of photon interactions with matter? ›

    The main processes of interaction of photons with matter are the following: Photoelectric absorption, • Compton scattering, • Pair production, • Rayleigh scattering.

    Can you explain the relationship between electron and proton? ›

    But a proton and an electron attract each other. Another way of saying this is that the same or “like” charges repel one another and opposite charges attract one another. Since opposite charges attract each other, the negatively charged electrons are attracted to the positively charged protons.

    What is the role of phonons in superconductivity? ›

    In conventional superconductors phonons bind the electrons into Cooper pairs below a critical temperature (TC). Hence, the spectrum of lattice vibrations, described by the phonon density of states (PDOS), plays a crucial role in conventional superconductivity.

    What is electron-phonon interaction in semiconductors? ›

    Electron-phonon interaction and phonon frequencies of doped polar semiconductors are sensitive to long-range Coulomb forces and can be strongly affected by the screening effects of free carriers, the latter changing significantly when approaching the two-dimensional limit.

    What is the relationship between photons and phonons? ›

    A photon is a form of energy but the phonon is a mode of oscillation that occurs in lattice structures. A photon can be considered as a wave and a particle, which are physically observable entities. A phonon is a mode of vibration, which is neither a wave nor a particle.

    What is the function of electron-phonon coupling? ›

    It plays an important role for a variety of physical phenomena. In particular in metals, low-energy electronic excitations are strongly modified by the coupling to lattice vibrations, which influences, e.g., their transport and thermodynamic properties.

    What is electron electron coupling? ›

    The electronic coupling factor is an off-diagonal Hamiltonian matrix element between the initial and final diabatic states in the transport processes. ET coupling is essentially the interaction of the two molecular orbitals (MOs) where the electron occupancy is changed.

    What is electron-phonon coupling with EPW? ›

    EPW (Electron–Phonon coupling using Wannier functions) is a program written in Fortran90 for calculating the electron–phonon coupling in periodic systems using density-functional perturbation theory and maximally localized Wannier functions.

    What is the equation for electron-phonon coupling? ›

    n k = coth β ℏ ω k 2 . g k 1 = 1 / 2 B 1 ω q Q c 1 − 4 η ω k B 1 ω q Q c − 2 1 / 2 − 1 .

    What is electron lattice coupling? ›

    By “electron–lattice coupling” is meant the strong influence of the presence of an extra electron, a hole, or an excitation on the (local) geometry of the molecules, that is, on the nuclear coordinates (i.e., the “lattice” in solid-state or condensed matter physics terminology).

    How do Cooper pairs form? ›

    BCS theory, named after physicists Bardeen, Cooper, and Schrieffer, explains that at low temperatures, electrons form pairs, known as Cooper pairs, due to phonon-mediated attractive interaction, which leads to superconductivity.


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